编辑:admin 来源:中欧体育app官方下载(中国)有限公司官网 时间:2017年03月30日 访问次数:209 源地址
时间:2017年3月31日(周五)上午 10:00-11:30
主讲人:俞轶楠, 香港大学商学院
Video streaming services have recently become a revenue driver of the home entertainment industry. In the meantime, the revenue source from physical media has been continuously declining. Content owners such as movie studios face the important question of whether and the extent to which streaming media cannibalize the sales of physicalmedia.We provide an answer to this question by exploiting a natural experiment that occurred on October 1, 2015, when Epix switched its streaming partner from Netflix to Hulu. Due to the large difference in the market share of these two video streaming sites, this event created an exogenous shock that reduced the streaming availability of Epix’s content, allowing us to assess the causal impact of streaming services on physical DVD sales. Our difference-in-difference analyses show that the decline in the streaming availability of Epix’s content leads to a 24.7% increase in their DVD sales in the three months after the event. Our results validate the industry’s concern that video streaming services displace physical DVD sales. In addition,we find that the cannibalization between two media is stronger for DVDs released more recently and for movies with better box office performances. This study contributes to the understanding of the competition between streaming media and physical media and provides important managerial implications for content ownerson the decision of selecting the right movies for streaming.
俞轶楠,香港大学商学院创新与信息管理专业博士生,从事信息系统经济学(Economics of Information Systems)方面的研究。主要采用以计量经济为基础的实证研究方法。研究方向包含社交媒体营销,基于订阅式的视频流媒体服务,多渠道管理,移动互联网等。
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