编辑:admin 来源:中欧体育app官方下载(中国)有限公司官网 时间:2017年04月05日 访问次数:93 源地址
题目:Electrodynamic coupling processes in the solar–terrestrial environment
报告人:Lou-Chuang Lee, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
地点: 玉泉教十二-201
时间: 4月7日,周五,15:00-16:00
The solar–terrestrial system consists of many neighboring physical regions, which include the photosphere, solar corona, solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and interstellar medium. The electrodynamic coupling among neighboring regions leads to the generation of many observed natural phenomena. The followingimportant electrodynamic coupling processes will be presented and reviewed in this talk. (a)The plasma shear flows in the solar photosphere lead to the formation and eruption of solar prominences. (b)The coupling between solar wind and magnetosphere through magnetic reconnection and kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) leads to the transport of particles and energy from the solar wind to magnetosphere.(c)The micro-scale processes provide electric resistivity for magnetic reconnection and ion heating for shock formation in collisionless plasma. (d) The electric coupling among lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere may lead to total electron content (TEC)variations and formation of nighttimeplasma bubbles in the ionosphere. (e) The coupling of heliosphere to the interstellar medium leads to the formation of termination shock, heliosheath and heliopause as observed by Voyager 1 and 2.
李羅權教授為美國加州理工學院博士,專攻太空物理。獲得博士學位之後,曾在美國太空總署、馬里蘭大學、阿拉斯加大學等地,從事研究及教學工作。1995 年回台灣服務,先後擔任國立成功大學理學院院長,國家太空計畫室主任,國家實驗研究院首任院長,國立中央大學校長,行政院國家科學委員會主任委員,現任中央研究院地科學所特聘研究員。李羅權教授曾獲總統科學獎,並被遴選為中央研究院院士、世界科學院(TWAS)院士、國際宇航科學院(IAA)院士和俄羅斯國際工程院(IEA)院士。
李羅權教授在太空物理研究上有許多創新貢獻,提出新的理論,包括:(1)銀河系星際空間湍流能譜理論,(2)電子迴旋輻射理論, (3)多重X 線磁場重聯理論,解釋磁層頂觀測到的磁通量傳輸事件,(4)模擬並解釋日珥的形成,解開日珥形成之謎,(5)日冕加熱機制,解釋SOHO 衛星的觀測結果,(6)全球首次觀測到大氣對流層頂部向電離層直接放電的「巨大噴流」。
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