

编辑:童骏 来源:国际合作与交流处 时间:2020年12月18日 访问次数:3343  源地址

近日,受国际大学协会邀请,中欧体育app官方下载(中国)有限公司官网校长吴朝晖院士在协会会刊IAU Horizons发表题为《后疫情世界高等教育新范式》的英文署名文章。


国际大学协会(International Association of Universities - IAU)成立于1950年,办事处位于法国巴黎,在联合国教科文组织指导下开展工作,拥有来自130余个国家和地区的640家成员单位,致力于提升高等教育领导力、促进高等教育国际化、落实可持续发展理念并加强技术在高等教育中的作用。


COVID-19 has profoundly changed our daily lives and the way we interact. In higher education, a hybrid model based on “intelligence plus education” is expected to become a new trend. This model will help bridge “the last mile” between in-person and digital education, serving to diversify universities’ provision beyond bricks and mortar. Solutions to challenges such as COVID-19 require global efforts. Looking beyond the pandemic, universities shall be more aware of the value of international collaboration while exploring creative digital approaches, some of which have proven to be most effective over the past turbulent months. The pandemic has also brought to the limelight the strategic importance of internationalisation at home. When transnational mobility becomes difficult, it is crucial to ensure an internationalised ecosystem is there to inspire and empower people.


